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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Week 2 UTI/ RTI

In class this week we discussed urinary tract infections along with upper and lower respiratory tract infections. Instead of traditional lecture for UTI, we were given parts of cases in groups and tried to determine what was causing infections in the hypothetical cases. There are five types of bacteriuria. One group was assigned to describe the types of collection of urine specimens, while another described testing done to test and confirm an infection.

On Thursday we discussed upper and lower respiratory infections. One thing that is important to remember about the URT is there is normal flora present. Group A strep (GAS) or S. pyogenes is the leading cause of pharyngitis. I have experienced a rash with a GAS infection and because some other people said so as well I was interested to learn more. I was unable to find a lot of information but I have included a link below to the emedicine website that describes an impetigo rash sometimes seen. One new thing I learned was a CAMP test was described for the detection of A. haemolyticum. I also remember that it is not necessary to do a gram stain on a throat swab or culture throat swabs for anaerobes. Some other pathogens seen are N. gonorrhoeae M. meningitidis B. pertussis C. diptheria, H. influenzae, S. aureus, and C. albicans. I will discuss more about the lower respiratory tract infections next week after we finish discussing it!

Streptococcus Group A Infections

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